Municipal Renovations Committee
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Torrington City Hall, 6:30 PM Personnel Conference Room
MRC Members in Attendance: Alan Zordan, Isadore Temkin, Mike Clark, and Ed Cook. Others present: Stephen Nocera, Mayoral Aide; Jerry Rollett, City of Torrington Public Works Director; Bob Prentis, O&G; Luke McCoy, Friar Associates
The meeting was opened at 6:30 PM on a motion from Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook and approved by all members.
Approval of the Minutes of MRC Meeting of August 27, 2009 was tabled on a motion by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Zordan. Mr. Cook made the motion in order to allow all members more time to review the minutes since they were quite lengthy. Mr. Clark stated that the minutes would be included for approval on the next meeting agenda.
Mr. Prentis presented an overview of project construction status –O&G
Roof – replacement of the roof is scheduled to begin by October 3, 2009. Work is already underway; skylights will be installed by October 9.
Window installation will begin by the third week in October with completion estimated for early November.
Sheetrock Installation will begin during the week of October 12th.
Boilers are in place in the building, they are scheduled to be operational by early November.
Traffic Building auguring will take place during the week of September 28th, with building erection beginning immediately thereafter.
City Hall personnel are scheduled to move back into the renovated building mid to late April 2010.
Mr. McCoy updated members on the status of the design review underway for potential landscaping work on the project. He stated that a meeting had been held with City Planning and Zoning, wetlands, and engineering staff to seek their input and recommendations on the design. The sidewalk design will be the same as proposed for the downtown redevelopment as will streetscape planned for downtown redevelopment. Mr. McCoy stated that a conceptual plan was being formulated which would include the possibility of relocating the fountain to the center of the building and incorporating an additional flagpole for display of the State flag in addition to the American flag. The fountain/flag base area would also be a planting bed. An effort to retain existing large trees is part of the concept and foundation plantings in front and
along City Hall Avenue will be reduced in number for ease of future maintenance, security, and for improved display of the building. Friar Associates is providing a sample of their suggested street light fixture which will be operational onsite within three weeks. The fixture has been approved by City officials and it is hoped that this same fixture will be incorporated with plans under consideration by the TDC.
Mr. Cook presented a review of the ongoing investigation into the possibility of restoring the original light fixtures in front of the building. He has been in contact with a lighting restoration firm; they have studied the actual fixtures and are compiling a recommendation for Mr. Cook, which he will present to the MRC as available.
Mr. Zordan stated that he has scheduled a meeting with Friar design personnel to finalize the furniture plan for renovated City Hall and will have a proposal for Committee review at the next MRC meeting. He estimates a significant savings from the original FFE budget.
Mr. Clark informed the MRC that a special fund raising committee had been organized by the Mayor. Their purpose is to obtain corporate and public donations to fully fund the Veterans’ Memorial at City Hall. The committee will also establish a trust which will provide financial support for the ongoing updating of the memorial. The goal of the committee is that no taxpayers’ funds are used for that portion of the project. Members of the fund raising committee are Anne Borghesi, Susan Lalonde, Brian Mattiello, Mike Clark, Joe Quartiero and the Mayor.
There being no “Other Business”, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM on a motion from Mr. Zordan, seconded by Mr. Cook.